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The delivery and storage of C02 and other chemicals to swimming pools



80,000 GBP


Dumfries and Galloway Council now wishes to procure the follwing which will be divided into two lots. The first lot required to be procured is in relation to Carbon Dioxide (c02) in swimming pools. As part of the contract the following is required to ensure compliance and the functioning of council swimming pools. 1. The supply of C02 to four council swimming pools 2. The delivery of C02 when required to these sites before the supply runs out so that services are not interrupted. 3. The supplier will provide the storage facility and all relevant machinery / equipment in order to ensure the facility can operate. 4. A maintenance schedule to ensure all equipment is kept in good order to avoid closures. As part of this a call out procedure will need to be provided to enable quick response. The second lot to be procured is the provision of chemicals that are required to be used in swimming pools. These will be provided as part of the tender pack for suppliers to price. These chemicals are essential to the day to day running of these facilities so the delivery timeframes need to be stated so that services can plan in advance Lot 1: Supply, delivery and Storage of C02 in Swimming Pools The first lot required to be procured is in relation to Carbon Dioxide (c02) in swimming pools. As part of the contract the following is required to ensure compliance and the functioning of council swimming pools. 1. The supply of C02 to four council swimming pools 2. The delivery of C02 when required to these sites before the supply runs out so that services are not interrupted. 3. The supplier will provide the storage facility and all relevant machinery / equipment in order to ensure the facility can operate. 4. A maintenance schedule to ensure all equipment is kept in good order to avoid closures. As part of this a call out procedure will need to be provided to enable quick response. Lot 2: Swimming Pool chemicals The second lot to be procured is the provision of chemicals that are required to be used in swimming pools. These will be provided as part of the tender pack for suppliers to price.


Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

Dumfries and Galloway Council


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