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Early Market Engagement (EME) for Ministry of Defence - Defence Water Services Programme



The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MoD), have considered options to secure the provision of water and wastewater services, and the operation and maintenance of MOD’s private water network upon the expiry of the Aquatrine PFIs in 2028 and 2030.  Given the inevitability of change in the water sector, the needs of Defence are best served at this moment in time by going to the market seeking provision for a replacement service, likely to be in the form of Managed Service Provision (MSP) contract.  The Defence Water Services Programme is looking to engage with the potential service providers and assess market interest in the selected delivery model for the service provision.  DIO will be carrying out Industry Engagement from February 2025 and seek to invite interested parties to participate in a variety of sessions such as Programme Updates, Industry Days and Bilateral discussions (a commercial in confidence meeting between two parties i.e. DIO and the requesting party). We expect this engagement to begin with an Industry Day on 13th February 2025 at Tidworth Garrison Theatre, SP9 7EP. Lot 1: DIO is issuing this Notice in order to invite potential service providers to engage with DIO. Organisations who wish to attend the Industry Day on 13th February 2025 are to register their interest by 24th January 2025 via the Defence Water Services Programme Industry Day Registration Form and provide the following details:  Name of Company/Organisation  Point of Contact and contact details.  Number of attendees for this event will be limited, and spaces will be given on a first come first served basis. For further information about the Industry Day or the programme please contact the Defence Water Services Programme multiuser In issuing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) DIO is not committing to carry out any procurement in relation to the requirements stated in this PIN. Non-participation in the Industry Day will not preclude any organisation from participating in any future competition.  Additional information: This Prior Information Notice for engagement follows the Prior Information Notice (Notice Reference: 2022/S 000-035322) published on 14th December 2022. Aquatrine is the MOD’s GB-wide water and wastewater Private Finance Initiative (PFI), providing water and wastewater services and manages environmental risk across the GB Defence Estate allowing the MOD to focus on its core business. This has


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3 months ago

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Defence Infrastructure Organisation


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