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Benefits Calculator



125,000 GBP


Money and Pensions Service's MoneyHelper has been testing a two-stage benefits calculation where customers first receive an estimate of their potential entitlements before moving on to a more detailed calculation, the results of which may include what they are already claiming. Following a successful pilot, MaPs is now seeking to embed a third-party benefits calculator into MoneyHelper. This procurement is for a white-label benefits calculator tool with support and maintenance for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend for a further 12 months. Lot 1: MaPS is seeking to procure a white-labelled, off-the-shelf Benefits Calculator tool to help MoneyHelper nudge customers to check their eligibility for benefits, social tariffs and other entitlements, with clear pathways to claiming these. MaPS is not seeking an adviser-led solution since MoneyHelper is not a welfare rights/advice agency for people faced with complex claims issues (we signpost to third parties for this); rather, income derived from benefits is part of deeper financial guidance journeys for those most in need. These journeys may be triggered by life event income shocks such as becoming a parent, job loss, relationship breakdown, illness/disability, moving into retirement, or bereavement. The procurement will be undertaken via the Open procedure under the Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) 2015. Early market engagement indicates that there is a healthy market to facilitate competition, with 25 organisations expressing interest in the opportunity. The contract will be awarded based on the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT) with a weighting split of 70% Quality, 10% Social Value and 20% Price. The contract will include 6 KPIs, 3 of which will attract service credits. The proposed contract will start in April 2025.


Publish date

8 months ago

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a month ago

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Money And Pensions Service

Sureyya Kilic

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