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Bellegrove Main Works Contractor



23,000,000 GBP


Works to undertake the construction of the Bellegrove Housing Project, including demolition of 100 Mickleham Road and redevelopment of the site to provide new affordable and supported living dwellings together with associated car parking, cycle parking, landscaping and other associated works. The proposed development is for the delivery of a 100% affordable housing scheme, comprising 68 dwellings in two separate tenures: supported living and social rent. The supported living units will all be 1-bedroom units. All supported living units are designed using South East London Housing Partnership (SELHP) Guidelines and Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI) Standards and are proposed to be located across the ground floor with provision for an external communal private space. The social rent units include a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom flats with 7 units being designed to wheelchair accessible and adaptable. The estimated GIA for the buildings is 6,900sqm in total. The development will provide the following: 1 390 sqm private amenity space 2 597 sqm accessible courtyard for supported living residents only 3 2930 sqm semi-public communal amenity space 4 567 sqm of public play-space


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London Borough of Bromley


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