Landesrechnungshof NRW tenders and contracts
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Landesrechnungshof NRW tenders & contracts
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- Network Rail
- Bank of England
- Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
- Waverley Borough Council
- Capita Business Services
- NHS North Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group
- Institute of Technology Carlow
- Broadcasting Authority of Ireland
- Railway Procurement Agency ( RPA )
- North East London Foundation Trust and Barnet Enfield and Haringey NHS Trust
- Swanmore C.E. Primary School
- Bovey Tracey Town Council
- Curo Group (Albion) Limted
Explore topics of interest to Landesrechnungshof NRW
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Landesrechnungshof NRW
- Education and training services
- Software package and information systems
- Business and management consultancy and related services
- Recruitment services
- Tablet computer
- Relocation services
- Household-refuse disposal services
- Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases
- Conference-room furniture
- Racking
- Archive shelving
- File storage box
- Filing systems