Gemeinde Edemissen tenders and contracts
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Gemeinde Edemissen tenders & contracts
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- Her Majesty’s Passport Office (HMPO)
- Breckland District Council and South Holland District Council
- British Tourist Authority
- Tourism Ireland CLG
- European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) Ltd
- Idsall School
- St Martin's Multi Academy Trust
- Starbank School
- Holy Family Catholic Primary School
- St Anne Line Catholic Junior School
Explore topics of interest to Gemeinde Edemissen
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Gemeinde Edemissen
- Motor vehicles
- School cleaning services
- Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products
- Building-cleaning services
- Landscaping work
- Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
- Installation of doors and windows and related components
- Demolition work
- Drainage works
- Painting work
- Installation of doors and windows
- Road construction works
- Office furniture
- Landscaping work for playgrounds
- Plastering work