Gerencia de Sermubeniel, S.A. tenders and contracts
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Beniel, Spain
Gerencia de Sermubeniel, S.A. tenders & contracts
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- Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
- Historic Environment Scotland
- The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire
- Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority
- Glyndwr University
- Queens Cross Housing Association Ltd
- Grampian Housing Association Ltd
- Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
- Framlingham Town Council
- St Ignatius College
- Teddington School
- Priory School
- Woodfield Academy and Oak Hill First School
Explore topics of interest to Gerencia de Sermubeniel, S.A.
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Gerencia de Sermubeniel, S.A.
- Health services
- Laboratory services
- Repair and maintenance services of electrical building installations
- Advertising services
- Health and safety services
- Printing services
- Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories
- Analysis services
- Statutory audit services
- Data network management and support services
- Electrical-system repair services
- Technical testing services
- Miscellaneous printed matter
- Cleaning and polishing products
- Postal services