inria - centre de recherche de Sophia tenders and contracts
Learn everything you need to know about inria - centre de recherche de Sophia. Gain insights into inria - centre de recherche de Sophia's purchasing trends, open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries. Approach decision-makers within inria - centre de recherche de Sophia directly or access inria - centre de recherche de Sophia via partner suppliers.
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Sophia Antiplois, France
inria - centre de recherche de Sophia tenders & contracts
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Discover buyers with similar procurement activity to inria - centre de recherche de Sophia. Explore more buyers procuring for contracts based similar CPV codes and geographical proximity to inria - centre de recherche de Sophia.
More potential buyers
- Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Iarnród Éireann -Irish Rail
- VisitBritain / VisitEngland
- Future Cities Catapult Ltd
- Local Government Management Agency
- Littlehampton Town Council
- East Kilbride Housing Association Ltd
- British Transport Police Authority
- Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
- Ilkley Parish Council
- BCM Business Cost Management Limited
- Hadleigh Town Council
- de Stafford School
Explore topics of interest to inria - centre de recherche de Sophia
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to inria - centre de recherche de Sophia
- Repair and maintenance services of building installations
- Social services
- Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
- Canteen and catering services
- Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
- Repair and maintenance services of central heating
- Repair and maintenance services of boilers
- Specialist vehicles
- Planting and maintenance services of green areas
- Telecommunications network
- Television and audio-visual equipment
- Industrial robots
- Optical instruments
- Repair and maintenance services of cooler groups
- Vehicle conversion and reconditioning services
Explore sources inria - centre de recherche de Sophia publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources inria - centre de recherche de Sophia and thousands more publish contracts to below.