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Dublin Bus/Bus Atha Cliath tenders and contracts

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Dublin 7, Ireland

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Dublin Bus/Bus Atha Cliath tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 4 days ago

    Removal and Installation of Engines

    price-tag-icon200,000 EURtime-iconClose date: 25/04/2025

    Dublin Bus is looking to establish a service contract for the Removal and installation of engines which will consists of a number of locations throughout Dublin City and County. Occasionally, as part of routine maintenance, it is necessary to have bus eng...

  • Open

    Published 9 days ago

    Miscellaneous Engine Components

    price-tag-icon1,270,500 EURtime-iconClose date: 22/04/2025

    Dublin Bus intends to establish a multi-provider framework panel of suppliers to supply and deliver miscellaneous engine components to the various locations throughout Dublin. These components are required for Dublin Bus’s current fleet, which is approxim...

  • Open

    Published 18 days ago

    Flooring Contractor COW

    price-tag-icon250,000 EURtime-iconClose date: 14/04/2025

    Dublin Bus is looking to establish a maintenance contract for the supply and fit of various floor coverings such as vinyl tiles, carpet and stair products such as nosing and threads etc. at each of its facilities which consists of a number of locations th...

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  • Open

    Published 25 days ago

    Bus wash machinery Maintenance and Repair Services

    price-tag-icon250,000 EURtime-iconClose date: 03/04/2025

    Dublin Bus seeks proposals from suitably qualified parties for the establishment of a maintenance contract to carry out repairs and maintenance of the automatic drive through bus wash systems in each of it's locations. The contract will operate as a singl...


Top suppliers to Dublin Bus/Bus Atha Cliath

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Irish CommercialsYes18View awards
Ardee Coach TrimYes16View awards
Alexander Dennis LtdYes9View awards
Adtec AerautoYes6View awards
STERTIL UKUnknown6View awards

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