Professionshøjskolen Absalon S/I tenders and contracts
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Slagelse, Denmark
Professionshøjskolen Absalon S/I tenders & contracts
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- Central Bedfordshire Council
- Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire
- Southport & Ormskirk Hospital Nhs Trust
- Cobalt Housing
- Independent Police Complaints Commission
- NHS Golden Jubilee
- Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman
- Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- West Chiltington Parish Council
- Stoke Park School and Community College
- Stalham Town Council
- Ditton Park Academy
Explore topics of interest to Professionshøjskolen Absalon S/I
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Professionshøjskolen Absalon S/I
- Construction work
- Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- Electrical installation work
- Building installation work
- Building completion work
- Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
- Printed matter and related products
- Plumbing and sanitary works
- Joinery and carpentry installation work
- Painting and glazing work
- Printed books, brochures and leaflets
- Miscellaneous food products
- Fruit, vegetables and related products
- Dairy products
- Animal products, meat and meat products
Explore sources Professionshøjskolen Absalon S/I publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Professionshøjskolen Absalon S/I and thousands more publish contracts to below.