Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle tenders and contracts
Learn everything you need to know about Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle. Gain insights into Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle's purchasing trends, open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries. Approach decision-makers within Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle directly or access Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle via partner suppliers.
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München, Germany
Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle tenders & contracts
- Open opportunities
- Recent awards
- Upcoming contract expiries
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Discover buyers with similar procurement activity to Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle. Explore more buyers procuring for contracts based similar CPV codes and geographical proximity to Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle.
More potential buyers
- Norse Group Limited
- Broadacres Housing Association
- Queens Cross Housing Association Ltd
- Scottish Public Pensions Agency
- Hereward College
- Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT)
- Fusion 21 Limited
- B4Schools Ltd
- Ilkley Parish Council
- Career Connect
- Ashbrook Junior School
- Sherington Parish Council
- Abbeygate Sixth Form College
Explore topics of interest to Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle
- IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Software package and information systems
- Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
- Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
- Advertising and marketing services
- Repair and maintenance services of building installations
- Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
- Motor vehicles
- Adult and other education services
- Business analysis consultancy services
- Software programming and consultancy services
- Software-related services
- Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
- Building-cleaning services
Explore sources Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Freistaat Bayern vertreten durch das Bayerische Landesamt für Steuern - Zentrale Vergabestelle and thousands more publish contracts to below.