LEAGUE FOOTBALL EDUCATION tenders and contracts
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Supplier name | SME? | Number of awards | View awards |
Lancaster and Morecambe College | No | 2 | View awards |
Loughborough College | No | 2 | View awards |
Milton Keynes College | No | 2 | View awards |
Reaseheath College | No | 2 | View awards |
Myerscough College | No | 2 | View awards |
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- Government Digital Service
- Welland Procurement Unit
- Independent Police Complaints Commission
- Woodley Town Council
- Department of the Taoiseach
- Stowmarket Town Council
- St Stephens Parish Council
- Hemsworth Town Council
- Wirral Methodist Housing Association Limited
- Hillcrest School
- St. John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy
- Hadlow College
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