Communauté de communes Calvi-Balagne tenders and contracts
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Calvi, France
Communauté de communes Calvi-Balagne tenders & contracts
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- Stirling Council
- Norse Group Limited
- Broadacres Housing Association
- Salvation Army Housing Association
- BMB Joint Venture (BAM Nuttall, Morgan Sindall PLC & Balfour Beatty)
- Cranleigh Parish Council
- St John of God Hospitaller Services Group
- Tourism Ireland Ltd
- Loughs Agency
- Ministry of Defence, Ships, Salvage and Marine Operations (S&MO)
- Addysg Oedolion Cymru | Adult Learning Wales
- Beacon of Light Ltd
Explore topics of interest to Communauté de communes Calvi-Balagne
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Communauté de communes Calvi-Balagne
- Construction work
- Public road transport services
- Cleaning services
- Insurance services
- Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
- Energy-efficiency consultancy services
- Electrical wiring and fitting work
- Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
- Repair and maintenance services of central heating
- Demolition work
- Property insurance services
- Accounting and auditing services
- Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
- Financial auditing services
- Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories
Explore sources Communauté de communes Calvi-Balagne publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Communauté de communes Calvi-Balagne and thousands more publish contracts to below.