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Newcastle-under-lyme, United Kingdom

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Further and Higher EducationUniversity

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Keele University tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 6 months ago

    Boiler Replacement Chancellors A Block, University of Keele

    price-tag-icon110,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 01/04/2025

    *** THIS PROCUREMENT IS CURRENTLY SUSPENDED TILL FURTHER NOTICE*** Tenders are invited from interested parties for the Boiler Replacement for Chancellors A Block, University of Keele, in accordance with the attached Tender Specification. ...


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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Inspired Film and Video LtdYes6View awards
Pure AV LtdNo5View awards
Softcat PLCUnknown5View awards
Academia LtdNo4View awards
Autograph Event Solutions LtdYes4View awards

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