{buyerName} tenders and contracts
\n \n\n Learn everything you need to know about {name}. Gain insights into {name}'s purchasing\n trends, open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries. Approach\n decision-makers within {name} directly or access {name} via partner suppliers.\n
\n\n{buyerName} tenders & contracts
\n {otherPagesTabs}\nDecision makers at {buyerName}
\n\n Go beyond procurement contacts and speak with key decision makers inside {name}{\" \"}\n directly.\n
\nTop suppliers to {buyerName}
\n\n Explore relationships between {name} and suppliers to understand where partner\n opportunities exist, and competitor incumbents prevail.\n
\nSupplier name | \nSME? | \nNumber of awards | \nView awards | \n
\n | \n {s.sme ? \"Yes\" : s.sme === false ? \"No\" : \"Unknown\"} | \n{s.award_count} | \n\n | \n