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Tenders & contracts relating to Loading or handling machinery

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Loading or handling machinery tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published a month ago

    Vertical Transportation (lifts) Maintenance

    time-iconClose date: 28/03/2025

    Cardiff Community Housing Association LTD (CCHA) have numerous vertical transport installations (Lifts) in various premises throughout Cardiff CCHA’s objectives are to maintain a high level of reliability and availability of its units by operating a sy...

  • Open

    Published 3 years ago

    Provision and maintenance of wheeled excavator

    time-iconClose date: 30/09/2030

    <p>In relation to the Public Contract Regulations 2015 regulation 34 (Dynamic Purchasing Systems), the Company is inviting Suppliers to tender for a multi-provider Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”) for the provision and maintenance of mobile plant to be u...

  • Open

    Published 4 years ago

    Provision and maintenance of mobile plant

    price-tag-icon3,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 30/09/2030

    PLEASE NOTE this project replaces: Contracts finder notice: YORWASTE001-DN551310-01927655 Find a Tender notice: 2021/S 000-013885 In relation to the Public Contract Regulations 2015 regulation 34 (Dynamic Purchasing Systems), the Company is inviting Suppl...

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