Tenders & contracts relating to Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes
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Kent Fire and Rescue Service are advertising this tender for the provision, servicing and maintenance of UPS and Generators with the initial contract term of 2 years with 3 optional 12-month extensions. The scope includes the servicing, maintenance and ad...
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council and Dorset Council are inviting
tenders from suitably qualified Service Providers to supply, install, operate and maintain
Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) in the BCP and Dorset Counc...
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council and Dorset Council are inviting tenders from suitably qualified Service Providers to supply, install, operate and maintain Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) in the BCP Council area.
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This contract is for a strategic partnership and for the installation, maintenance, and operation of electric vehicle chargepoints across the borough utilising LEVI funding.
To access this competition, please visit www.the-chest.org.uk, project ID DN7519...
This contract is for a strategic partnership and for the installation, maintenance, and operation of electric vehicle chargepoints across the borough utilising LEVI funding.
To access this competition, please visit www.the-chest.org.uk, project ID DN75195...
Natural England are seeking the upgrade of the existing single-phase inverter and battery installation to a 3-phase inverter with additional batteries.
Additional information: To apply for this opportunity you must submit your quotation meeting the req...
Energy Efficiency Dynamic Purchasing System (EEDPS)
Plymouth City Council (PCC), as the lead Contracting Authority, in collaboration with Independence Brokerage Services CIC (trading as Independence CIC (INCIC)), is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing Syste...
The supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of the following are required under this Contract: • Power Cabling and associated cable containment systems – Between the 800A EVC 3 outgoing supply section in existing Switchboard SB02 and ...
Concession contract for supply of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure and Associated Services for Somerset Council.
Please note this contract will be let under the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016
Documents available from https://supplierlive.pr...
Ceredigion County Council has received funding from the Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Transport Fund (ULEVTF), for the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and charge points for plug-in electric vehicles within the County.
Tenders are inv...
Ceredigion County Council has received funding from the Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Transport Fund (ULEVTF), for the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and charge points for plug-in electric vehicles within the County.
Tenders are i...