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Aster Group: Out Of Hours Telephone Line Managed Service.



*** PRE MARKET ENGAGEMENT*** ***EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST*** Aster operates one Contact Centre supporting its property management and maintenance operations for all regions. The function of the Contact Centre is to handle customer contact regarding property repair and housing enquiries and distribute the work to the appropriate in-house operative teams and/or external contractors. Aster provides an out of hours emergency repairs service where any calls into the Contact Centre will be transferred to the provider. The requirements for the provision of the out of hours service is to provide a service for Aster's housing stock in terms of the definition of an emergency. Emergency calls will be triaged, all customers vulnerabilities accounted for, and relevant jobs raised to the in-house operative/contractor, using internal systems. We Are requesting as per part of your EOI for this potential future tendering opportunity we request you fill in this Microsoft form: Additional information: Aster Group, are currently running a pre market engagement for expressions of interest, for a future potential tender opportunity. We are currently scoping the requirements for this procurement but are looking to gather market intelligence to ensure we have included all requirements needed to deliver this provision. To register your interest and to access the project documents please register @ We would ask if you are wishing to express interest in this future opportunity to fill in the below supplier questionnaire. Please be aware that response or expression of interest submitted after the closing date will not be accepted. We thank you for your time and interest in this future opportunity . Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Publish date

10 months ago

Buyer information

Aster Property Limited

Simon Jackson-Brown

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