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Passenger Transport Services DPS



99,531,097 GBP


The Council is obligated under Section 51 of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 (as amended) and the Education Additional Support for Learning Act (Scotland) 2004 to make such arrangements as considered necessary for the provision of School Transport for pupils residing in the Education Authority area to facilitate attendance at designated establishments/schools. The Council also wishes to incorporate other general taxi requirements under the same contractual umbrella, including but not limited to those for Social Work Resources and Employability. In this regard, Education and Social Work Resources require to let contract(s) for transportation of service users to identified establishments. These services are being procured in accordance with the EU Regulations, and the Council's Standing Orders on Contracts. There is no intention to limit the number of service providers on the DPS. In initial stage, all service providers that meet the selection criteria and are not excluded will be admitted to the DPS. The DPS will remain open to new applicants during it’s period of validity. Lot 1: Standard transport requirements for children and protected adults This includes the transport of children and protected adults with additional support needs including autistic spectrum conditions and / or medical requirements and the transport of children as required by the Council’s Family, Children and Adult Services within Social Work Resources as well as mainstream inter-school transfers where required. Additional information: This procurement will be run as a Dynamic Purchasing System, which will remain open to new entrants for the full term. All future contract opportunities will be issued as fully electronic mini-competitions within the Lots on the DPS. Lot 2: Standard transport requirements for children and protected adults This includes the transport of children and protected adults with complex additional support needs including social, emotional, behavioural and autistic spectrum conditions. Additional information: This procurement will be run as a Dynamic Purchasing System, which will remain open to new entrants for the full term. All future contract opportunities will be issued as fully electronic mini-competitions within the Lots on the DPS. Lot 3: Transport for children/protected adults with complex medical needs This includes the transport of children and protected adults with complex medical conditions and may require the driver and passenger assistant to attend specialised NHS Lanarkshire training specific to the passenger’s medical condition. Providers may also be required to procure specialist insurance depending on the complexity of the medical condition. Additional information: This procurement will be run as a Dynamic Purchasing System, which will remain open to new entrants for the full term. All future contract opportunities will be issued as fully electronic mini-competitions within the Lots on the DPS.


Publish date

2 months ago

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16 days ago

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South Lanarkshire Council

Louise McNaught

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