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Utilities (Energy) Management Services and Empty Homes Utility Management Services - PP1074



EIC Partnership, Tenants Save Money


183,290 GBP


Orbit is seeking a qualified utility (energy) broker to manage and optimise our utility services for our gas and electricity 'landlord supplies' in England. The contract is split into two lots as follows:\r \r Lot 1 - Energy Management Service\r • Energy management service including:\r o Energy (gas and electricity) procurement\r o Account management\r o Invoice processing\r o Bill validation\r o Query management\r o Historical bill audits\r o An energy bureau\r \r Additional services:\r o Selling excess solar generation\r o Exploration of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) agreements\r o Providing decarbonisation support and Heat Network Regulation support\r \r Lot 2 - Empty Homes Utility Management Service\r • Empty Homes Utility Management Service\r (This is to help us manage our energy services at our vacant properties for the period between when a tenant moves out and a \r new tenant moves in.)\r \r The contract is due to commence on 1st October 2024 for a period of 12 months with 2 x options to extend for a further 24 months (1+2+2).\r \r The annual contract value is approximately £60k for Lot 1 and £20k got Lot 2. Suppliers may bid for both Lots.\r \r This opportunity is being run on the e-procurement portal, 'ProContract'. To view all documents and submit a response, please register or log in at


Award date

5 months ago

Publish date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Orbit Group Ltd

Julie Mepham

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