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Supply of Class 91 Wheelsets



London North Eastern Railway Limited (LNER) is a publicly-owned train operating company. Our parent company is DfT Operator of Last Resort (OLR) Holdings Limited, which is owned by the Secretary of State for Transport. LNER operates a fleet of 8 x InterCity 225 trains (the IC225 Fleet) consisting of 84 x MKIV coaches and 12 x Class 91 locomotives. The IC225 Fleet is leased from Eversholt Rail and maintained by Northern Trains at Neville Hill TrainCare Centre in Leeds. LNER invites suppliers to tender for the overhaul of 52 x Class 91 wheelsets, including the accompanying gearboxes. The wheelsets are to be overhauled to EV/CI1056, Issue 8. Lot 1: LNER invites suppliers to tender for the overhaul of 52 x Class 91 wheelsets, including the accompanying gearboxes. These will undergo either a H2 6 year overhaul (full life) or a H1 3 year overhaul (half-life), depending on the previous overhaul performed. The wheelsets are to be overhauled to EV/CI1056, Issue 8. The delivery schedule is projected to span from August 2025 to October 2026. To participate in this procurement, suppliers must hold RISAS accreditation for overhaul of powered wheelsets and maintain accreditation for the duration of the contract. Additional information: This procurement and all communication with suppliers will be managed electronically via the Proactis system. To participate in this procurement, suppliers must register an interest on the Proactis system and complete the pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) by 24 June 2024 at 12:00pm. If suppliers are not yet registered on Proactis, this can be done online at: Once registered on the Proactis system, suppliers can register interest for a specific procurement. Suppliers must download the PQQ, complete and upload on to the Proactis system by 24 June 2024 at 12:00pm. Suppliers will be shortlisted on the basis of their response to the PQQ. Suppliers should note that the expected procurement timetable is as follows: • Registration of interest and completed PQQ deadline: 24 June 2024 at 12:00pm. • Invitation to tender issued: 1 July 2024. • Bid submission deadline: 12 August 2024 at 12:00pm.


Publish date

10 months ago

Close date

9 months ago

Buyer information

London North Eastern Railway Limited

Cathy Mawson

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