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Made Smarter West Midlands



2,688,957.72 GBP


WMCA is seeking a provider/ delivery partner with a demonstrable track record of providing Specialist Business Support Advice Services, preferably to Manufacturing SMEs that can deliver the MSWM Programme. Providers can be a single organisation or part of a consortium. If bidding as a consortium, a declaration must be made confirming all members of the consortium and their respective roles in delivery of the services and a lead organisation must be appointed to enter the contract with WMCA if successful. The delivery partner will act as the gateway to MSWM manufacturing support and provide the essential SME Account Management role. They will manage the engagement of the SMEs with all aspects of the MSWM Programme including, programme management, marketing, coordinating the Digital Technology Specialists (DTS) and the Industrial Digital Technology Advisors (IDTAs), the Leadership Training, Organisational Workforce Development, and the Internship Placement. Lot 1: The Made Smarter West Midlands Programme (MSWM) is funded by the Department of Business and Trade (DBT) and Ministry of Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) as part of the Integrated Settlement (IS) under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) as the accountable body and DBT and MHCLG. The WMCA is commissioning the delivery of Phase 3 of the Made Smarter West Midlands Programme across the ITL1 West Midlands (WM) region which includes the seven Local Authorities within the WMCA; Worcestershire and The Marches; Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire and Warwickshire. WMCA is seeking a provider/ delivery partner with a demonstrable track record of providing Specialist Business Support Advice Services, preferably to Manufacturing SMEs that can deliver the MSWM Programme. Providers can be a single organisation or part of a consortium. If bidding as a consortium, a declaration must be made confirming all members of the consortium and their respective roles in delivery of the services and a lead organisation must be appointed to enter the contract with WMCA if successful. The delivery partner will act as the gateway to MSWM manufacturing support and provide the essential SME Account Management role. They will manage the engagement of the SMEs with all aspects of the MSWM Programme including, programme management, marketing, coordinating the Digital Technology Specialists (DTS) and the Industrial Digital Technology Advisors (IDTAs), the Leadership Training, Organisational Workforce Development, and the Internship Placement.


Publish date

3 months ago

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West Midlands Combined Authority


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