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Adult Critical Care Unit Upgrade



HUHFT require a full refurbishment of the existing Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU) and Surgical Centre (SC). The refurbishment includes replacing all of the Mechanical and Electrical infrastructure and equipment that service the two areas, including the construction of a new housing for all the plant.<br/><br/>To ensure continuity of care throughout the redevelopment, this is planned to be a two stage build approach, SC in summer/autumn 2022 and ITU in spring/summer 2023, with both the existing main ITU redeveloped as well as the current ITU within the Surgical Centre.<br/><br/>Despite the significant scale of the works that need to be undertaken this is restricted in a very small footprint that will need significant planning and liaison with all involved at HUHFT. Flexibility and precision planning will be needed for the construction phases. Lot 1: Hospital Provision for an Adult Critical Care Unit Upgrade. Additional information: Contract – The contract is traditional JCT.<br/><br/>Programme – The outline programme is:<br/><br/>Phase Unit Date<br/>Phase one Surgical centre 1 June 2022 – 1 November 2022<br/>Break in construction N / A 1 November 2022 – 30 April 2023<br/>Phase two ITU 1 May 2023 – 1 November 2023<br/><br/>Index the price over the two phases – The tender response requires bidders to price the Commercial Schedule section of the ITT.


Publish date

3 years ago

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3 years ago

Buyer information

Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Steven Quinn

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