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Provision of an ICT solution for Home Support Service Case Management e rostering and National Nursing Homes Support Scheme and Statutory Home Support



The Health Service Executive, as a contracting authority, is seeking to appoint a suitability qualified economic operator for the provision of an ICT solution for the development, implementation of a Home Support Services Case Management and eRostering (NSS CMeRS) and Nursing Home Support Scheme and proposed Statutory Home Support Scheme Information (NHSS SHSS) system for the Health Service Executive (HSE). The HSE is the contracting authority for this procurement. This fully integrated scalable solution will ensure that current and future service users needs, and legislative obligations can be met. It will enable the improved delivery and quality of service to service users with real time communication capability and access to accurate data for clients, HSE and service users. The ICT solution will facilitate the delivery of the NHSS and future SHSS, providing a solution to manage the application process from receipt to decision making and funding approval to payment. The ICT solution shall facilitate the effective management of the clients needs, allowing clients to either access Home Support Services or apply for Nursing Homes Support under the provisions of the Nursing Homes Support Scheme Act 2009 (NHSS) also known as fair deal. Core high level elements of the ICT solution shall include: - A Client Application Portal, incorporating user experience design principles, allowing clients to apply, access and manage their application and interact with the service. - Home support Services Case Management which will support the application and approval process management, oversight and timely validated delivery of Home Support Services. - Facility to record and share service user information to support clinical care. - e Rostering and scheduling for relevant staff working across HSE Home Support Services based on service user geographical location. - Management of the scheme application process from receipt of application to decision on service entitlement under legislation, with the capability to handle both web and paper based applications. - Calculation and review of complex financial assessments in accordance with legislation. - Generation of payment files to service providers for both Nursing Homes and Home Support Services. - Ability to interface with a diverse range of systems due to the many integrations required with other HSE and public service systems. The system will need to manage multi directional data integration across a range of systems. - Provide comprehensive reporting capabilities ensuring that data driven decisions are taken at local and national levels. - Hosting with robust security measures to protect sensitive data, adhering to relevant data protection regulations and privacy and aligned with industry best practices. This procurement process will be divided into three Lots. The Lots are as follows: - Lot 1 - ICT solution for Home Support Service Case Management eRostering ( HSS CMeRS) and National Nursing Homes Support Scheme and Statutory Home Support Scheme Information ( NHSS - SHSS) system. - Lot 2 - ICT solution for Home Support Service Case Management eRostering (HSS CMeRS) system. - Lot 3 - ICT solution for Nursing Homes Support Schemes and Statutory Home Support Scheme Information (NHSS SHSS) Please refer to all tender documents for further information. The Health Service Executive, as a contracting authority, is seeking to appoint a suitability qualified economic operator for the provision of an ICT solution for the development, implementation of a Home Support Services Case Management and eRostering (NSS CMeRS) and Nursing Home Support Scheme and proposed Statutory Home Support Scheme Information (NHSS SHSS) system for the Health Service Executive (HSE). The HSE is the contracting authority for this procurement. This fully integrated scalable solution will ensure that current and future service users needs, and legislative obligations can be met. It will enable the improved delivery and quality of service to service users with real time communication capability and access to accurate data for clients, HSE and service users. The ICT solution will facilitate the delivery of the NHSS and future SHSS, providing a solution to manage the application process from receipt to decision making and funding approval to payment. The ICT solution shall facilitate the effective management of the clients needs, allowing clients to either access Home Support Services or apply for Nursing Homes Support under the provisions of the Nursing Homes Support Scheme Act 2009 (NHSS) also known as fair deal. Core high level elements of the ICT solution shall include: - A Client Application Portal, incorporating user experience design principles, allowing clients to apply, access and manage their application and interact with the service. - Home support Services Case Management which will support the application and approval process management, oversight and timely validated delivery of Home Support Services. - Facility to record and share service user information to support clinical care. - e Rostering and scheduling for relevant staff working across HSE Home Support Services based on service user geographical location. - Management of the scheme application process from receipt of application to decision on service entitlement under legislation, with the capability to handle both web and paper based applications. - Calculation and review of complex financial assessments in accordance with legislation. - Generation of payment files to service providers for both Nursing Homes and Home Support Services. - Ability to interface with a diverse range of systems due to the many integrations required with other HSE and public service systems. The system will need to manage multi directional data integration across a range of systems. - Provide comprehensive reporting capabilities ensuring that data driven decisions are taken at local and national levels. - Hosting with robust security measures to protect sensitive data, adhering to relevant data protection regulations and privacy and aligned with industry best practices. This procurement process will be divided into three Lots. The Lots are as follows: - Lot 1 - ICT solution for Home Support Service Case Management eRostering ( HSS CMeRS) and National Nursing Homes Support Scheme and Statutory Home Support Scheme Information ( NHSS - SHSS) system. - Lot 2 - ICT solution for Home Support Service Case Management eRostering (HSS CMeRS) system. - Lot 3 - ICT solution for Nursing Homes Support Schemes and Statutory Home Support Scheme Information (NHSS SHSS) Please refer to all tender documents for further information.


Publish date

11 months ago

Close date

9 months ago

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Health Service Executive (HSE)

Health Service Executive (HSE)

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