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Dog Kenneling Services



Tenders are invited for a Contract on behalf of Caerphilly County Borough Council (the Council) to provide Dog Kenneling Services to Stray Dogs and Dogs seized during investigations into Welfare concerns. The procurement process for this arrangement will follow a two-stage, Open Procedure. Tenderers will be required to pass the selection stage response before the award criteria response will be considered. The tender shall be split in to two lots and you may apply for Lot 1 only or Lot 2 only or both lots available. The Contract will not be for any fixed quantity and the requirements cannot be guaranteed for such items listed in the Tender Documentation as the Council may require other services from time to time and number of dogs will be wholly dependent on circumstance at any given time. Lot 1: Dog Kenneling Services This lot relates to the provision of dog kennels for the housing of stray dogs seized by or received by Caerphilly County Borough Council under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and other legislation as appropriate relating to the seizure of stray dogs. Dogs shall be held in accordance with the regulations and terms laid out in the specification Lot 2: Transportation and Storage of Seized Dogs This lot is for the transportation and storage of dogs that are seized when officers from Trading Standards investigate a person/s or company and the removal of animals is necessary as part of those investigations. All conditions and terms are set out in the tender documentation.


Publish date

a month ago

Award date

a month ago

Buyer information

Caerphilly County Borough Council

Rhys James

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