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Provision of General Dental Services for South Pembrokeshire, South Ceredigion – North Pembrokeshire border and Carmarthen.



Khan Dental Care, Gower Healthcare Dental Ltd, Gower Healthcare Dental Ltd, Khan Dental Care


10,000,000 GBP


From April 2006 Local Health Boards assumed full control of the budget for NHS Primary Care Dental Services and have a clear responsibility to secure or provide services for the people in its area to meet all reasonable requirements and provide out of hours services. One (1) tender exercise will be run with three (3) lots to award independent Contracts for each area as detailed in Table A. Bids will be accepted for multiple, individual, or partial lots. Preference will be given to bids for complete lots, where partial bids are received, they will be awarded by Health Board on a ranked basis with the highest bidder being awarded the maximum figure requested in their technical capability response, the second placed bidder will be awarded either the remainder or up to the maximum figure indicated, any further volumes will be awarded based on the same scale. The Contracts will be offered under the terms of the NHS (Personal Dental Services Agreements) (Wales) Regulations 2006 and subsequent amendments plus a Dental Contract Reform Contact Variation/Service Level Agreement. The PDS regulations detail mandatory services and additional services. The clinical services to be provided are those deemed as mandatory services and as a minimum, the provider must meet the requirements of the NHS (Personal Dental Services Agreements) (Wales) Regulations 2006 in all aspects relating to the provision of mandatory services. The DCR expectations are set out in the GDS DCR programme principles. Lot 1: South Pembrokeshire Provision of General Dental Services for South Pembrokeshire Lot 2: South Ceredigion-North Pembs Border Provision of General Dental Services South Ceredigion-North Pembs Border Lot 3: Carmarthen Provision of General Dental Services - Carmarthen


Publish date

5 months ago

Award date

5 months ago

Buyer information

Hywel Dda University Health Board

Sara Pell

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