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Cambridge City Council - Byron's Pool and Nine Wells Woodland Management





Cambridge City Council is seeking a provider to undertake the following woodland management services: Byron's Pool: • 3.57ha of light thinning (10-15% of canopy) • 0.75ha of regeneration felling (80% of canopy) • 0.14ha of coppice Nine Wells • 0.55ha of heavy thinning (40% of canopy) • 0.42ha of coppice The arisings from these works will be stacked neatly to create habitat piles, if these become excessive then the arisings will be removed from site. Brash will be stacked to reduce the number of unofficial paths across the sites. Approximately 5% of trees to be felled will be "monolithed" to create standing deadwood with coronet cuts to replicate natural branch tears, these trees will be located away from footpaths and public access. The works in these woodlands will be under considerable scrutiny from the public, therefore allowances should be made for time to speak with members of the public and ensure health and safety measures are adhered to. The regeneration felling will require restocking at 1600 stems per hectare, with the following species mix and guarded using non plastic tree shelters: • 30% Hornbeam • 30% Pedunculate Oak • 10% Silver Birch (Nurse crop) • 10% Common Alder (Nurse crop) • 10% Hazel • 5% Crab Apple • 5% Wild Service Tree The contract duration will be 3 years, start and end dates subject to the agreement of both parties.


Publish date

a month ago

Close date

17 days ago

Buyer information

Cambridge City Council

Jonathan Loneza

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