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Contract for Duke St. Anne St. South Public Realm Scheme



Full reconstruction in granite of the footpaths and carriageways on Duke Street, Anne Street South, Lemon Street and Duke Lane Upper. The existing footpaths will be realigned, widened and repaved with new granite slabs laid on a new high strength bedding mortar, while retaining areas of historic kerbs and paving. The new footpaths will increase the space available for pedestrians and improve accessibility in the area. Carriageway reconstruction and repair works are to be carried, to the existing concrete and asphalt surfaces on both Duke Lane Lower and Anne’s Lane. New granite footpaths will be constructed along Anne’s Lane and the footpath along the east and west side of Duke Lane Lower will be resurfaced with a resin bonded material. The Works involve the provision and installation of new traffic, DCC Telecoms and public lighting ducts, new CCTV poles, new automatic bollards, street furniture in the form of bollards, water bottle filling stations, bicycle stands, bins, benches and the replacement of some utility covers and frames within the site extents. The Works also involve the provision of extensive landscaping including new modular tree pits and in-ground planting throughout the scheme. A new art feature has been commissioned and will be erected on Anne St Sth. For further information please refer to documentation available to download from Resource ID 4596699


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Dublin City Council

Dublin City Council

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