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prj_5919 - Thames to Southern Transfer Strategic Resource Option



55,000,000 GBP


Southern Water needs to obtain approval to construct a ~85km pipeline plus associated treatment works and other infrastructure, to transfer drinking water from the Thames Water area to Southern Water's network in Hampshire. We are seeking an external partner with multidisciplinary expertise developing and delivering designs for large complex infrastructure schemes including successfully navigating the Development Consent Order (DCO) process, planned for 2030. We anticipate our Technical Partner will be contracted via a single supplier framework, which will provide support to SWS throughout the design phase and examination process. The successful bidder will be required to co-ordinate all works instructed under this proposed framework. The successful bidder will complete the DCO application, including all surveys, environmental studies, "tender ready" outline design and then manage the DCO process to determination. The successful bidder will be Principal Designer for the scheme and Principal Contractor for works which fall under the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 ("CDM") during the design phase. Lot 1: Environmental Assessment: Conduct thorough assessments of the project's potential environmental impacts, including ecological surveys, archaeology surveys, air and water quality assessments, noise studies, impact mitigation measures, and all outputs necessary to input to Optioneering, EIA Scoping, PEIR, ES and related DCO application documentation. Ground investigations: Planning, design and implementation of required ground investigations. This would include undertaking the Principal Contractor role. DCO planning: Including all necessary planning and related consenting advice and co-ordination of DCO application process including pre-application, application and examination stages. Engineering and Technical: Develop outline design and architectural plans, assess the project's technical feasibility, and provide expertise on engineering solutions and infrastructure requirements.Undertake duties as Principal Designer including development of construction and commissioning methodology. Design for Procurement: Produce outline design for the scheme ready to be issued to prospective contractors bidding for the construction works. Transportation Planning: Analyse the project's transportation needs, assess its impact on local traffic patterns, and develop strategies to minimise congestion and improve accessibility, including transportation assessments and traffic modelling. Community Engagement and Stakeholder Management: Develop Community and Stakeholder Engagement plan and execute the plan by engaging with local communities, businesses, interest groups, and government agencies to gather feedback, address concerns, and build support for the DCO application. Create the consultation literature and website and manage the consultation events required for the DCO process. Land Referencing and Land Access: Arrange access and accurately identify, describe, and map parcels of land and their associated rights. Record detailed information about land ownership, boundaries, use, and legal rights. Includes activities relating to optioneering, undertaking surveys, DCO application preparation and submission and securing voluntary agreements. Project Management: Accountable for the planning, coordination, and execution of the DCO application process, ensuring that deadlines are met, resources are allocated effectively, and stakeholders (including RAPID*, and scheme partners) are kept informed throughout the process.


Publish date

4 months ago

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Southern Water Services Ltd


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