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DPS For Receipting, Recycling and Purchase of Segregated and Mixed Inert Materials and Hazardous Waste.



3,000,000 GBP


Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the for the Receipting, Recycling and Purchase of Segregated and Mixed Inert Materials in June 2018. This notice is for any experienced and suitably qualified Suppliers who wish to join the DPS. The DPS expires on 30 June 2024 with the option to extend for a further period of two years, however the Council reserves the right to extend or shorten the DPS validity period at its own discretion. Suppliers are permitted to join during the validity period of the DPS subject to meeting the Council’s pre-qualification criteria, which is available via the Council’s e-tendering portal-Proactis Plaza. Suppliers should note that admission onto the DPS is not a guarantee of any award of contracts and there is also no guarantee of volume or value of contracts to be let via the DPS. It is anticipated that the Council will run a mini competition during Sept/Oct 2022 with the objective of awarding obtaining a schedule of rates for the duration of the Validity period. New applicants will be able to submit rates following acceptance on to the DPS. Lot 1: Receive, recycle and dispose of Segregated Inert Materials that will be delivered to site by the Council and/or collected by the Contractor Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the for the Receipting, Recycling and Purchase of Segregated and Mixed Inert Materials in June 2018. This notice is for any experienced and suitably qualified Suppliers who wish to join the DPS. The DPS expires on 30 June 2024 with the option to extend for a further period of two years, however the Council reserves the right to extend or shorten the DPS validity period at its own discretion. Suppliers are permitted to join during the validity period of the DPS subject to meeting the Council’s pre-qualification criteria, which is available via the Council’s e-tendering portal-Proactis Plaza. Suppliers should note that admission onto the DPS is not a guarantee of any award of contracts and there is also no guarantee of volume or value of contracts to be let via the DPS. It is anticipated that the Council will run a mini competition during Sept/Oct 2022 with the objective of obtaining schedule of rates for the duration of the Validity period. New applicants will be able to submit rates following acceptance on to the DPS. Lot 2: Receive, recycle and dispose of Mixed Inert Materials that will be delivered to site by the Council and/or collected by the Contractor Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the for the Receipting, Recycling and Purchase of Segregated and Mixed Inert Materials in June 2018. This notice is for any experienced and suitably qualified Suppliers who wish to join the DPS. The DPS expires on 30 June 2024 with the option to extend for a further period of two years, however the Council reserves the right to extend or shorten the DPS validity period at its own discretion. Suppliers are permitted to join during the validity period of the DPS subject to meeting the Council’s pre-qualification criteria, which is available via the Council’s e-tendering portal-Proactis Plaza. Suppliers should note that admission onto the DPS is not a guarantee of any award of contracts and there is also no guarantee of volume or value of contracts to be let via the DPS. It is anticipated that the Council will run a mini competition during Sept/Oct 2022 with the objective of obtaining schedule of rates for the duration of the Validity period. New applicants will be able to submit rates following acceptance on to the DPS. Lot 3: Receive, recycle and dispose of Hazardous Waste Materials (including Bituminous materials) that will be delivered to site by the Council and/or collected by the Contractor Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the for the Receipting, Recycling and Purchase of Segregated and Mixed Inert Materials in June 2018. This notice is for any experienced and suitably qualified Suppliers who wish to join the DPS. The DPS expires on 30 June 2024 with the option to extend for a further period of two years, however the Council reserves the right to extend or shorten the DPS validity period at its own discretion. Suppliers are permitted to join during the validity period of the DPS subject to meeting the Council’s pre-qualification criteria, which is available via the Council’s e-tendering portal-Proactis Plaza. Suppliers should note that admission onto the DPS is not a guarantee of any award of contracts and there is also no guarantee of volume or value of contracts to be let via the DPS. It is anticipated that the Council will run a mini competition during Sept/Oct 2022 with the objective of obtaining schedule of rates for the duration of the Validity period. New applicants will be able to submit rates following acceptance on to the DPS. Lot 4: Receive, recycle and dispose of Culvert Materials that will be delivered to site by the Council and/or collected by the Contractor Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the for the Receipting, Recycling and Purchase of Segregated and Mixed Inert Materials in June 2018. This notice is for any experienced and suitably qualified Suppliers who wish to join the DPS. The DPS expires on 30 June 2024 with the option to extend for a further period of two years, however the Council reserves the right to extend or shorten the DPS validity period at its own discretion. Suppliers are permitted to join during the validity period of the DPS subject to meeting the Council’s pre-qualification criteria, which is available via the Council’s e-tendering portal-Proactis Plaza. Suppliers should note that admission onto the DPS is not a guarantee of any award of contracts and there is also no guarantee of volume or value of contracts to be let via the DPS. It is anticipated that the Council will run a mini competition during Sept/Oct 2022 with the objective of obtaining schedule of rates for the duration of the Validity period. New applicants will be able to submit rates following acceptance on to the DPS. Lot 5: Receive, recycle and dispose of Mixed Inert Materials from Council Civic Amenity site(s) that will be delivered to site by the Council and/or collected by the Contractor Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the for the Receipting, Recycling and Purchase of Segregated and Mixed Inert Materials in June 2018. This notice is for any experienced and suitably qualified Suppliers who wish to join the DPS. The DPS expires on 30 June 2024 with the option to extend for a further period of two years, however the Council reserves the right to extend or shorten the DPS validity period at its own discretion. Suppliers are permitted to join during the validity period of the DPS subject to meeting the Council’s pre-qualification criteria, which is available via the Council’s e-tendering portal-Proactis Plaza. Suppliers should note that admission onto the DPS is not a guarantee of any award of contracts and there is also no guarantee of volume or value of contracts to be let via the DPS. It is anticipated that the Council will run a mini competition during Sept/Oct 2022 with the objective of obtaining schedule of rates for the duration of the Validity period. New applicants will be able to submit rates following acceptance on to the DPS. Lot 6: Purchase by the Council of Secondary Aggregates that will be delivered by the Contractor to a site within the Borough of Caerphilly and/or collected from the Contractor's facility by the Council Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the for the Receipting, Recycling and Purchase of Segregated and Mixed Inert Materials in June 2018. This notice is for any experienced and suitably qualified Suppliers who wish to join the DPS. The DPS expires on 30 June 2024 with the option to extend for a further period of two years, however the Council reserves the right to extend or shorten the DPS validity period at its own discretion. Suppliers are permitted to join during the validity period of the DPS subject to meeting the Council’s pre-qualification criteria, which is available via the Council’s e-tendering portal-Proactis Plaza. Suppliers should note that admission onto the DPS is not a guarantee of any award of contracts and there is also no guarantee of volume or value of contracts to be let via the DPS. It is anticipated that the Council will run a mini competition during Sept/Oct 2022 with the objective of obtaining schedule of rates for the duration of the Validity period. New applicants will be able to submit rates following acceptance on to the DPS.


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Caerphilly County Borough Council

Thomas Young

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