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24/011 AdaptAble Homes Tamworth (Tamworth Borough Council) Adaptations Contractors Framework



4,000,000 GBP


Tamworth Borough Council is looking to enhance their service offer by creating a contractor framework to deliver adaptation work through the Disabled Facilities Grant and Council Adaptations programme to improve quality, efficiency, and effectiveness . The Council is seeking a number of suitably qualified and experienced contractors to work with over the next 2 to 4 years to deliver works under this programme. The contractors will offer a high standard of quality, customer care, Social Value and value for money and to work proactively with the AdaptAble Homes Tamworth (AHT) service to develop our offer to residents throughout the borough of Tamworth. The works undertaken through the AHT Service, and this Framework include:• Works to improve access, including ramps and door-widening;. Specialist equipment such as wash/dry toilets;• Level access showers (LAS) and adapted bathing / toilet solutions;• Purpose built extensions and internal property reconfigurations Lot 1: Simple Adaptations Works may include, but not limited to:Bathroom alterations such as:Level access showers / wetroomsRetrofitting shower over bathBraddan tray installationsInstallation / coordination of specialist equipment installs such as wash/dry toilets etc.Access Works:Permanent rampsGarden access / safety worksDoor widening / alterationsDoor opening systemsOther:Small build worksProprietary worksProperty safety worksMinor kitchen adaptationsGalvanized rails Lot 2: Modular ramping Modular ramping provision, including:InstallationRefurbishment / cleaningStorageRe-use Lot 3: Major and complex adaptations Works may include, but not limited to:ExtensionsProperty conversions e.g., garageProperty reconfigurationsKitchen adaptationsExternal works, e.g., provision of hardstanding, paving or larger garden works etc.


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Tamworth Borough Council

Jennifer Getliff

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