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Dublin City Council Contract for Civil and Structural Engineering Consultancy Services for the Rehabilitation of Scribblestown Road and Drainage Networks



450,000 EUR


Dublin City Council Contract for Civil and Structural Engineering Consultancy Services for the Rehabilitation of Scribblestown Road and Drainage Networks. Dublin City Council (DCC) is seeking to award a contract to a consultant to carry out full engineering consultancy service for the rehabilitation of Scribblestown Road and Drainage Networks. Separate service stages are envisioned to be as follows: • Stage 1 Road Condition Survey: Tenderers should identify intrusive tests, surveying considered necessary and include results in the report. • Stage 2 Road Condition Report and Recommendations: Produce drawings and specifications to describe the nature of the work. • Stage 3 Road Design Solution For Construction: Agree solutions with DCC through Employers Representative in order to ensure that “Taking in Charge” process is agreed. (Not a function of the Consultant). At this stage, the tenderer must take into consideration the drainage works to be completed as per the attached documents and the solutions to be considered to bring the roads and footpaths up to the required standards as identified in the Snag List previously provided. Critical to the solutions proposed will be the management of the timing of drainage works and road works in order that value for money and diminished inconvenience to residents is realised. • Stage 4 Procurement/Appointment of Works Contractor • Stage 5 Construction Supervision and Handover. Dublin City Council Contract for Civil and Structural Engineering Consultancy Services for the Rehabilitation of Scribblestown Road and Drainage Networks. Dublin City Council (DCC) is seeking to award a contract to a consultant to carry out full engineering consultancy service for the rehabilitation of Scribblestown Road and Drainage Networks. Separate service stages are envisioned to be as follows: • Stage 1 Road Condition Survey: Tenderers should identify intrusive tests, surveying considered necessary and include results in the report. • Stage 2 Road Condition Report and Recommendations: Produce drawings and specifications to describe the nature of the work. • Stage 3 Road Design Solution For Construction: Agree solutions with DCC through Employers Representative in order to ensure that “Taking in Charge” process is agreed. (Not a function of the Consultant). At this stage, the tenderer must take into consideration the drainage works to be completed as per the attached documents and the solutions to be considered to bring the roads and footpaths up to the required standards as identified in the Snag List previously provided. Critical to the solutions proposed will be the management of the timing of drainage works and road works in order that value for money and diminished inconvenience to residents is realised. • Stage 4 Procurement/Appointment of Works Contractor • Stage 5 Construction Supervision and Handover.


Publish date

7 months ago

Close date

5 months ago

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Dublin City Council

Dublin City Council

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