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Domiciliary Care 2018 - Contract 4 (Open Framework Agreement for Spot purchase of Care and Support)



We are looking for local companies who have CQC registered offices in the North Somerset area. To be awarded a place on this framework you will need to have a local registered office (an office if you are not a registered provider with CQC), where the Care and Support will be delivered from. By local North Somerset Council requires this to be within North Somerset, Bath and North-East Somerset and South Gloucestershire. EOI Step In the first instance you need to express an interest in this opportunity, and you will then be contacted by a member of the Commissioning Team to discuss our requirements and the services you deliver. You may then be asked to complete the tender documentation and for your application to be evaluated you must complete all of the following documents; • The Invitation to Tender Open Volume One – these are instructions, please read. • Invitation to Tender Open Volume Two – this document requires completing and submitting via the portal along with the following documents: - • Copy of your audited financial accounts for the most recent two years • Most recent Signed and Dated Health & Safety Policy • Most recent Signed and Dated Equality & Diversity Policy • And any other supporting documents – safeguarding, lone working, infection control, CQC etc. We will require at least 2 local references from either; • Another local authority or health commissioner who manages a contract with the same branch that would be servicing this contract. • Service users receiving a service from the same branch who would be servicing this contract. Failure to complete all documents will result in your application being rejected. Further guidance is attached on how to submit your application. An open Framework Agreement for Spot purchase of Care and Support with 2 Lots. Lot 1 This contract is for the provision of care and support to children, young people and adults. Spot purchase of ad hoc domiciliary care packages including but not limited to: • If a Service Users is on holiday or required to stay with family the Council is responsible for ensuring care is received from a Provider based out of our area • If a Service Users has a private funded package of care, with a Provider we do not contract with, • If a Service Users has a package of care with a Provider funded by a direct payment and the direct payment is taken away from them • If the Council provides a funded package of care outside of the district e.g., to support a university placement. Lot 2 Day Opportunities for Older People and People with Dementia and associated conditions. The Council wishes to offer Clients and/or their carers a Service where they can attend either; • A building that is specifically set up for such a purpose at a location where the Clients are provided with support, potentially some care and activities both indoor and outdoor or • Community activities. Keywords: Domiciliary, Care


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6 years ago

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North Somerset Council

Ms Rachel Braund

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