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Marine Licencing and Specialists Advice Framework 2025



3,500,000 GBP


In order to discharge our duties under Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) and Marine Works EIA Regulations (2007) as amended, Natural Resources Wales Marine Licensing Team (NRW MLT) seek specialist technical advice from appropriate expert bodies on a number of subjects to determine the impacts on the environment, human health, legitimate uses of the sea, and other relevant matters from marine licence applications. Additionally, Welsh Government (WG) and Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) may also seek technical advice or support via this framework Lot 1: Sampling Analysis and Sample plan services Provision of the following in response to applications for disposal of dredge arisings at sea: Sample plans (production &/or approval) Sampling analysis Sampling reports (including suitability for disposal) Lot 2: Specialists Advice Services Provision of general advice in response to specific requests regarding the following specialist environmental areas Marine receptor impact advice, for example: Marine Mammals Fish Water Quality Marine and Coastal Physical Processes Benthic Ecology Pelagic Ecology Ornithology Aquaculture Modelling e.g. fish impacts, physcial processes, marine water quality and marine mobile species collision, noise and disturbance modelling Environmental monitoring for projects and developments General pollution prevention and incident management advice Other specialist advice services Lot 3: Training, learning and development Marine training, learning and development for staff; which may include (but not limited to) marine sectors such as offshore renewables and aggregates or assessments such as HRA and WFD.


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2 months ago

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8 days ago

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Natural Resources Wales

Jana Paulova Procurement Advisor

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