Transport systems consultancy services
With this tender DSB seek one consultant to deliver multi-disciplinary consultancy services to assist DSB with replacing the current semiautomatic S-train system with a fully automated S-train system. This includes tender for new S-trains as well as upgrading the current infrastructure, safety system, passenger information systems, etc. to a full scale GoA4 operation. As part of the automation programme also a restructuring of the organisation around the Copenhagen S-bane will take place. The existing S-train fleet will reach its planned technical end-of-line in the years 2026-36. From 2028 and app. 10 years ahead new driverless S-trains must therefore be set in operation in parallel with the current conventional S-trains are being phased out of operation. Transforming the 85-year-old railway for a driverless system constitutes a highly complex and extensive conversion programme. DSB tender out a non exclusive frame work agreement without a guaranteed minimum spend. The consultant shall assist DSB in delivering the below mentioned main components of the programme and in achieving a smooth S-train transition over the next app. 20 years provided both prolongation are exercised. The vision for the S-network is to deliver attractive mobility for customers to accommodate the population growth in the Danish capital region while securing financial and sustainable efficiency. Main components are: 1) Tender, test and roll out of new automatic EMU fleet and automation. It is expected to tender out design, provision and technical integration of automated fleet and equipment and essential parts thereof and technology to support automated operation and essential parts of its maintenance. The expected technology to support automated operation in question will be e.g. passenger information system, train and platform monitoring and communication between passengers and the control room. 2) Analysis, tender, test and roll out of obstacle detection system (ODS) and platform safety systems. It is expected to tender out relevant obstacle detection systems, including all platform components, SCADA systems and fencing at platforms and lineside allowing safe and punctual operations without train drivers in an automated train system in a brownfield network (172 km/84 stations/200 platforms. 3) Tender and management of changes to and maintenance of the existing infrastructure. Procurement, management and implementation of new infrastructure elements and/or upgrades of the existing infrastructure. This includes signaling, passenger information, rail systems, depots, platform adjustments, stabling facilities, etc. and operational procedures allowing for a GoA4 operation and procurement of maintenance of new and existing infrastructure. 4) Develop and manage a system design and necessary integration. This includes engineering of the entire S-train system and building of a solid operational and commercial concept and ensuring the impact is distributed correctly to the different parts of the engineering organisation. 5) Building and implementation of a new organisation. This includes to plan, develop and manage the potential reorganising of the current set up on the public side by creating one public entity where today two parties exist (infrastructure manager/railway operator) including stakeholder and business change management. 6) Plan and deliver a smooth transition. It is foreseen that the actual transition period will be up to 10 years where the S-train system will transfer from GoA2 mode (STO) to GoA4 mode (UTO). Managing the entire transition to ensure stable service offerings to travellers without performance drops throughout the transition phase will require thorough planning across all main components. See also Schedule 4 Programme and work description. All this requires consultancy services within a wide range of service areas. The service areas are described in Schedule 5 services and expertise. Please note that the final strategy and scope for the programme await political decision. Hence, the exact number of completed tenders and the timeframe for tenders covered by this contract has not been finally decided, but DSB expects that tenders of automated rolling stock and obstacle detective system are to commence immediately after contract signature. Please note that the current programme plan anticipates this contract to commence in December 2020. However a number of currently ongoing activities are being affected by the COVID-19 situation and other activities are at risk. Seen together this situation might result in a later commencement of this contract and push the start date from December 2020 to Q1 2021, cf. Schedule 4.
Publish date
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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- Valentina Stojisic
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