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Provision of Educational Neurodiversity Assessment Services



A sizeable proportion of USW students disclose that they consider themselves to have a disability year on year with the vast majority self-identifying as neurodivergent. However, many neurodivergent students arrive at university without ever having received a formal diagnosis. The aim of these services will be to develop and deliver a consistent high quality assessment experience for our student body and provide a tried and tested service solution that delivers the requirements. Lot 1: A sizeable proportion of USW students disclose that they consider themselves to have a disability year on year with the vast majority self-identifying as neurodivergent. However, many neurodivergent students arrive at university without ever having received a formal diagnosis. This can hinder their ability to access the full breadth of support available (e.g. Disabled Students Allowances), thereby impacting personal development, academic achievement and graduate prospects. USW seeks to address this need and the disproportionate burden it places on neurodivergent students by providing access to funded diagnostic assessment services. The University is committed to organisational and operational transformation with a view to creating high quality educational experiences for our learners. To that end we are seeking a partnership with a single service provider who aligns with our values and aspirations. The aim of this partnership will be to develop and deliver a consistent high quality assessment experience for our student body and provide a tried and tested service solution that delivers our requirements.


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University of South Wales

D Spencer

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