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CYPS Supported Accommodation Tender for the Vale of Glamorgan Council



2,886,000 GBP


The Vale of Glamorgan Council ("The Council") requires Supported Living Accommodation Services for Vulnerable Children and Young People within the Vale of Glamorgan ("The Service") via a Multi-Lot Contract. The anticipated Contract duration is 3 (three) years, with the option to extend for up to an additional 2 (two) years. (3+2). Lot 1: Supported Accommodation for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children This Lot incorporates: i)Providing shared supported living housing for vulnerable Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and Young People (UASC) aged between 16 and 21 years of age in two Council-owned residential properties within the Vale of Glamorgan. ii)Delivering a quality-led and young person-centred service with suitably trained and consistent staff that enables young people to feel safe and protected from harm and progress towards achieving positives outcomes. iii)Providing long-term support planning and proactive assistance with young UASC’s transition into independence. iv)Assessing needs and enhancing the self-support skills of UASC’s, enabling them to live independently once they have received there Right to Remain with the UK.. There is the option to extend this contract up to a further two (2) years. This is a new service required by the Council and there are no TUPE implications for this provision Lot 2: Temporary Supported Living Accommodation and Housing-Related Support This Lot incorporates: i)Providing temporary supported living accommodation, alongside flexible housing-related support services and resources, to vulnerable young care leavers up to 23 years of age who are at risk of homelessness and/or who are assessed as having highly complex and overlapping support needs. ii)Providing supported accommodation for up to two young people, alongside one emergency placement, within a single 24hr staffed property for 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. iii)Delivering a quality led, person-centred service that is flexible and sensitive to each individual young person’s support needs. iv)Supporting young care leavers to develop the skills needed to live independently, enabling them to make informed decision-making and achieve positive outcomes.. There is an option to extend the contract for up to a further 2 years. Please note, this is a renewal of a current contract and it is the Council's view that there may be TUPE implications. Bidders should take their own legal advice regarding this Please see tender documents for more details Lot 3: Provision of Supported Lodgings Accommodation for Vulnerable Young People This Lot incorporates: i)Providing short-term, long-term, and emergency supported accommodation for vulnerable young people below 18 years of age. ii)Protecting and safeguarding vulnerable young people who have been assessed as requiring support services within the Vale of Glamorgan. iii)Ensuring that all Supported Lodgings Providers have an enhanced DBS check that is renewed every three years. iv)Delivering a quality-led, person-centred service with suitably trained staff that is sensitive to young people’s needs.. Please note, this is a renewal of a current contract and it is the Council's view that there may be TUPE implications. Bidders should take their own legal advice regarding this Please see tender documents for more details


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a month ago

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Buyer information

Vale of Glamorgan Council

Natalie Eddins, Team Manager Commissioning

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