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Invitation to Quote for Roofing Works at 90-100 Buttars Loan, Dundee.



Roofing Repair at 1-12 Rosebank Court, Dundee Lot 1: a)No existing roof structure is to be altered as part of the works. b)Carefully remove and dispose of existing felt roof membranes, sarking and insulation board, stripping back to timber trusses. c)Carefully remove and set aside or dispose of the existing guttering, soffits and fascia. Refer to contract drawings for confirmation. d)Copper expansion pipes to be checked for operation and removed if confirmed as redundant. e)If, upon exposing the roof substrate, the contractor is dissatisfied with the condition of the roof trusses, wall plate etc and considers this will have a detrimental effect on the installation and finish of the waterproofing, they must bring this to the attention of all parties immediately. f)The Contract Administrator is be notified upon the discovery of any rotten timbers. g)Roof to be thoroughly cleaned and all debris and sharp objects removed prior to the roof system installation. h)All substrates are to conform to the requirements of the manufacturers written specification. All substrates must have both and adhesion test and moisture content validated by the installing contractor prior to installing any components of the waterproofing. i)Roof access and site set up are to be agreed with the Principal Designer through the CPH&SP. j)The specification is to be read in conjunction with all project issue plans and documents. Any contradiction between the different sources of information provided is to be brought to the attention of the contract administrator. k)Supply and install new roofing system including ventilation, flashings, drainage etc in accordance with project drawings and specification. l)Roof installation and ventilation to conform to current building standards and roof material manufactures instructions


Publish date

3 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

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Dundee City Council

Chris Murphy

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