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Electrical Inspection, Testing and Repair Services - supplier engagement



NI Water has a requirement to inspect and test approximately 25,000 electrical circuits per annum across premises covering all of Northern Ireland and carry out associated remedial work in compliance with BS7671. In advance of launching a competitive tender process in early 2025, NI Water is seeking to meet with experienced suppliers who can deliver:- • Electrical Inspection and Testing • Remedial repairs • Adherence to BS7671 and all amendments • Adherence to 18th Edition and subsequent revisions and replacement editions • Production of Reports • Production of information updates to NIW Inspection and Testing database • Generator Testing • RCD upgrades • Lightning arrest • Emergency Lighting NI Water is considering various contract delivery options in order to ensure all the above services can be delivered in compliance with everchanging BS7671 legislative requirements, to increase competition, to promote value for money, and to build resilience into its supply chain for these critical services. For example, options may include a Lot structure to appoint contractors to geographical areas, thereby sharing the workload between them. NI Water would welcome the opportunity to engage with experienced suppliers in this market and discuss how best to structure a future tender based on supplier capabilities and achieving value for money. If you are interested in meeting with NI Water, please email using the subject line FAO Dean Campbell – EITR – Company Name, giving a brief overview of your company and experience in relation to providing any of the services listed above. These meetings are expected to be held in early September 2024 and further information will be provided to you in due course. Depending on the number of responses received, NI Water may not be able to meet with every supplier however this does not exclude any supplier from participating in the tender process. Please respond by Friday 30th August 2024. Lot 1: See above.


Publish date

7 months ago

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NI Water


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