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IT Hardware





1,027,489 GBP


HSE is seeking to put in place a call-off arrangement to cover its potential requirements, for an initial period of 24 months, with a further 2 x 12-month extension option. HSE is looking for one bidder that can supply all of the kit listed in Annex A HSE's requirement is for the successful bidder to also manage the end-to-end logistics process, including secure receipt of requests for items to be despatched, sourcing, storage, configuring/building devices (where required), asset tagging and recording of serial numbers, deliveries and dealing with warranty claims and faulty devices (DOA). This also includes communications and management of deliveries/returns etc with HSE staff. Annex A provides an indication of the type of kit that HSE will purchase over the course of the Contract. HSE cannot guarantee any volumes, or any business. The device and peripheral requirements may change over time, taking into consideration newer models/upgrades etc. Although there is no guarantee of volumes, or business, via this call-off, HSE advises there is a maximum spend ceiling of £5m over the full term of the call-off. HSE wish to place an initial order based on the quantities in Annex A .


Award date

6 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Health and Safety Executive


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