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Self Loading Pistol (SLP) & Carbine



Civil Nuclear Police Authority Self-loading Pistol & Carbine. This Market engagement is to inform the market of the potential interest on attending a supplier day being hosted by the authority on the 19th February 2025 0900Hrs to 1600Hrs. Location yet to be determined and will depend on the amount of prospective parties wishing to attend. Location will be disseminated once attendee numbers are known. The Authority seeks to determine market potential and consider market views on the requirements with a view to ensure such views are considered for any potential procurement that the Authority may wish to launch. The aim of the industry day is for both parties i.e. the CNC and potential suppliers. To understand and develop a strategy on the potential route to market and the development of specifications to allow for as wide a competitive supplier base as possible whilst meeting the authorities requirements. Suppliers will be restricted to a maximum of 2 representatives per company. Preregistration is required by contacting the following email address. To express an interest and view the documents please register on


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a month ago

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23 days ago

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