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OJEU Notice For Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) - Home to School, Special Educational Needs and Vulnerable Adult Passenger Transport Services version 2



Call for competition for the provision of Special Education Needs Transport Services (SEN) for Slough Borough Council Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Home to School, Special Educational Needs and Vulnerable Adult Passenger Transport Services Slough Borough Council is seeking to commission a Special Education Needs Transport Services through a Dynamic Purchasing System procurement route. We are seeking providers who can demonstrate they are able to provide SEN services as outlined in the service specification. They must also be able to meet the required expectations as required of them in the service specification, within the available funding. The authority will qualify providers using the standard supplier selection questionnaires as stated in PCR 2015 appended as Document No. 4. Only those providers deemed to have answered correctly to the questions listed will have their technical responses evaluated. The provider that has been technically qualified will be put on the DPS for a future call for mini competition exercise. If you are interested in providing this service please submit proposals via Intend Additional information: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes


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Slough Borough Council

Leonard Torsu (SBC)

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