The Contract is for the delivery of a Sea Water Cooling System to the Contracting Entity for the Project SKV40 New Turbine at Skærbækværket. The Sea Water Cooling System comprises a new approximately 25m long DN2400 pipe connec-tion to an existing DN2800 sub ground sea water cooling pipe and approximately 25000 m3/h sea water for a new turbine plant shall be filtered and pumped in booster pumps before being led to the new SKV40 turbine sea water cooled condenser in the nearby turbine building. The Con-tractor will have the overall responsibility of the Sea Water Cooling System and consequently the scope will include Engineering (e.g. process, hydraulic, static) and project management of the Contract. The supply must in its entirety comprise all components and services within the supply limits which are necessary for the plant to comply with the functional requirements stated in the tender documents. Lot 1: The Contract is for the delivery of a Sea Water Cooling System to the Contracting Entity for the Project SKV40 New Turbine at Skærbækværket. The Contracting Entity has chosen not to divide the tender into additional lots for reasons of economies of scale and to limit transaction costs, coordination of interfaces and contract administration.
Publish date
2 years ago
Buyer information
Ørsted Bioenergy and Thermal Power A/S
- Contact:
- Peter Spanggaard
- Email:
- pespa@orsted.com
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