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Purchase of a Minibus



Dawsons Group PLC


38,500 GBP


You are invited to tender for the supply of at least a 16 passenger minibus no earlier model than a 2018 plate. The minibus must be fully accessible. If you wish to tender, please send your quotation (together with the information requested below) by post to arrive by 28th February 2024 at the latest. The quotation should be sent in a plain envelope and must be addressed to Swanley Town Council (Tender), Civic Centre, St Mary's Road, Swanley, BR87BU It is intended that the Council will make a decision on the 6th March. However, the Council is not obliged to accept the lowest, or any, tender. As well as the quotation, please state in writing: a) the earliest date that you could supply the vehicle, b) at least two references from customers who have bought a minibus from yourselves (or contact details of at least two referees who have bought a minibus from yourselves), c) whether you offer part exchange facilities d) whether you can offer the following services post purchase (these are not part of the tender but are for post contract information purposes): 1) servicing of minibus & passenger lift* 2) 10 week safety checks on the minibus* 3) MOT* 4) Full annual & six month LOLER tests on passenger lift*. *Please state whether you use a third party for any of these.


Award date

a year ago

Publish date

11 months ago

Buyer information

Swanley Town Council

Ryan Hayman

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