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0-19 Public Health Nursing Services



Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) Council are tendering for two services to deliver a high quality 0-19 Public Health Nursing in Hammersmith and Fulham from 1st January 2027. The 0-19 offer will be in the form of two service specifications: 1. The health visiting offer (Lot 1). 2. The school nursing offer (Lot 2). Since the services fall within CPV Code 85323000-9 (community health services delivered to individuals) the procurement will be carried out under the Provider Selection Regime under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. The provider will build upon the current provision and link with our communities and family hubs to deliver a mixed model of: • Universal service that is offered to all people. • Targeted services that provide people with timely, personalised expert advice and support when they need it for a specific issue. • Specialist services that provides people specialist practitioner treatment where providers will often work with other agencies to coordinate holistic wrap around support for people with acute or ongoing needs, including complex needs management. Lot 1: The Health Visiting Service The provider will deliver Health Visiting services for all babies and children aged 0-5 who live in Hammersmith and Fulham. The service is fundamental in providing a robust universal offer that will cover child health surveillance, health promotion, health protection, health improvement, support outlined in the healthy child programme 0 to 5. Health Visitors will have a role in: • leading and delivering the 5 mandated health reviews • delivering against the 6 high impact areas for early years • continuity of family public healthcare from maternity to health visiting services • contributing to safeguarding • identifying and supporting vulnerable children and families • addressing inequalities and contributing to the Supporting Families Programme Where possible, a community placed Place-based approached will be delivered in the local community by a range of frontline workers, providers and commissioners working collaboratively to deliver a personalised continuity of carer model for all people. The Health Visitors will be based within H&F’s 3 new Family Hubs. Lot 2: The School Nursing Service The provider will deliver School Nursing Services for all children aged 5-19 (or 25 for those with an EHCP) that attend-maintained schools or academes in Hammersmith and Fulham. The service will cover child health surveillance, health promotion, health protection, health improvement, support outlined in the healthy child programme 5 to 19. The role of School Nurses will extend to: • Delivering against the 6 high impact areas for school-aged years. • Facilitating smooth transitions for school-aged children, such as the shift from health visiting to school nursing, and eventually to adult services. • Providing support to vulnerable children and those not attending school, including children in care, young carers, and young offenders. • Supporting children who are home educated. • Providing the support offered as part of the Supporting Families Programme refreshed health offer. • Engage with diverse communities. • Implement strategies that will prioritise improving mental health. • Develop and execute plans to address health concerns such as asthma, sexual health, and obesity. • Playing a crucial role in safeguarding children.


Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham


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