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Community Mental Health Services



Alabaré, Second Step, Second Step


25,685,486 GBP


NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board ("BSW") sought to commission suitably qualified providers with the capability and capacity to deliver Community Mental Health Services in line with specified requirements across the BSW footprint. The service was procured as three lots. Lot 1: Crisis Houses Providing accommodation to people experiencing a mental health crisis and that are able to receive community based support who may be at risk of mental health hospital admission and people who have been discharged from. Lot 1 also consists of Places of Calm with the aim of providing a space for individuals who are suffering from mental health issues or emotional distress to visit and receive immediate support. The service is aimed at anyone who is at risk of a mental health crisis or who is struggling to manage their mental wellbeing and would benefit from professional support. Lot 2: Intensive Outreach A non-clinical, person-centred, trauma-informed and recovery focused service providing support for people with serious mental illness, providing a step-up and step-down service dependent on a person's needs. Lot 3: Primary Mental Health Service This service will provide early help and support for people with serious mental illness. Access and intervention will be at neighbourhood/Primary Care Network level, through an integrated primary-secondary pathway that enables easier access and offers holistic care, with a range of support services tailored for people with SMI that offer choice and flexibility Commissioners reserved the right to add funding to the contract over its duration to accommodate service development measures or initiatives, up to an equivalent value of the original contract. For the avoidance of doubt, this would mean an annual contract value of, for example, £440k per annum and a consequent increase in the overall contract value. The contract durations are for 3 years plus an option to extend of any period of up to a further 2 years, with service commencement on the 1st April 2025 for all lots. The total contract value for all lots is £25,685,486 if the full extension is adopted. The procurement was carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner. Lot 1: Crisis Houses Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW) intends to award a contract to Alabare to deliver a Place of Calm and Crisis Houses across the BSW footprint. The service consists of three service provisions, these are, Place of Calm in South Wiltshire, two Crisis Houses in Swindon and one Crisis House in Wiltshire Operating alongside existing Places of Calm in BSW and located in south Wiltshire where there are good transport links to enable ease of access for people and wider services. The aim of the service is to provide a space for individuals who are suffering from mental health issues or emotional distress to visit and receive immediate support. The service is aimed at anyone who is at risk of a mental health crisis or who is struggling to manage their mental wellbeing and would benefit from professional support. This notice is an intention to award a contract under the competitive process. The approximate lifetime value of the contract for this lot is £7,844,990 including extensions. This contract is for an existing service. This contract is awarded to a new provider. The dates between which the services are intended to be provided, are 1st April 2025 - 31st March 2030 including extensions. Lot 2: Intensive Outreach Service Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW) intends to award a contract to Second Step to deliver an Intensive Outreach Service across BSW. The Intensive Outreach Service will operate as a fully co-produced and integrated part of the community mental health support offer. This non-clinical service will provide support for people with serious mental illness, providing a step-up and step-down service dependent on a person's needs. The Service is a person-centred, trauma-informed and recovery focused provision for up to 6 weeks. The service is expected to follow the principles set out by the Recovery Model of support which offers a framework for guiding principle that focuses on working with the individual service user to identify their strengths and build resilience. It also focuses on working with individuals to regain control, support recovery and to lead a life meaningful to them. This notice is an intention to award a contract under the competitive process. The approximate lifetime value of the contract for this lot is £1,879,829 including extensions. This contract is for an existing service. This contract is awarded to a new provider. The dates between which the services are intended to be provided, are 1st April 2025 - 31st March 2030 including extensions. Lot 3: Primary Mental Health Service Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW) intends to award a contract to Second Step to deliver Primary Mental Health Services across BSW region. The Primary Mental Health Service is the model for delivery of our new community mental health provision across BSW. Key features of this are: • Access and intervention will be at neighbourhood/Primary Care Network level - through an integrated primary-secondary pathway that means it is easier to access help than through traditional models • Care will be holistic, with a range of support services provided at Primary Care Network level, tailored for people with SMI that offer choice and flexibility • The workforce will be multi-disciplinary, including a range of professionals. • Outcomes will be collected through Patient Reported Outcome Measures This notice is an intention to award a contract under the competitive process. The approximate lifetime value of the contract for this lot is £7,844,990 including extensions. This contract is for a new service. This contract is awarded to a new provider. The dates between which the services are intended to be provided, are 1st April 2025 - 31st March 2030 including extensions.


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board

Donna Harrington

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