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Commercial, Claims Advisor and Professional Services with Local Authorities and Transport Infrastructure Ireland acting as Client



Transport Infrastructure Ireland (the "Contracting Authority") has a requirement acting as a central purchasing body for framework agreements ( single supplier Framework Lot 1 and multi supplier framework agreement Lot 2 (each a “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of Commercial, Claims Advisor and Professional Services for the development and operation of the national roads network, Greenway, Active Travel and light rail infrastructure throughout Ireland, together with any ancillary services which may be inferred therefrom, or be necessary to carry out the services (the “Services”). Both Lot 1 and 2 frameworks agreements will cover the following two main categories of services: • Quantity Surveying, Programme, Risk, Project, and Value Management Services. • Claims Advisor, Expert Witness, Client Representation and Procurement Assurance Services. Services provided include review of construction and consultant contract claims, preparation of risk assessments, advice on final accounts and change orders, expert witness reports, dispute resolution proceedings, conciliation, arbitration, reviewing contract documents, programme, risk management, project management, value management, estimates, and any other related services. Tenderer(s) will note that this competition contains two lots, tenders are required to submit one tender submission as set out in the tender documents. The Authority intends to enter into the Framework Agreements with the tenderers who have submitted the most economically advantageous tenders, which will be determined on a quality and price basis. The top ranked tender that has satisfied the exclusion and selection criteria listed on the ESPD will be appointed to Lot 1 (Single Supplier Framework) and Lot 2 (Multi Supplier Framework), the second, third, fourth and fifth ranked tenders that have satisfied the exclusion and selection criteria listed on the ESPD will be appointed to Lot 2 (provided there are sufficient suitable tenders to appoint five suitable tenderers; the Authority reserves the right to appoint less than five tenderers where less than five suitable tenders have been received). The duration of the Framework Agreement for Lot 1 and 2 will be 4 years.


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3 months ago

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2 months ago

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Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)

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