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Children Looked After Specialist Support (Therapy) (CLASS)



The Behaviour Clinic


4,128,418.75 GBP


A collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach to delivering a specialist intensive therapy service to achieve positive outcomes to children with the highest and most complex needs through joint working, robust assessments and a suite of therapy options which are evidence based. Lot 1: Contract to provide a regional specialist therapy intervention service known as Children Looked After Specialist Support (CLASS)(Therapy) service, previously known as MAPSS Therapy service (Multi-Agency Permanence Support Service). The service is required for children who have been or are looked after (CLA) by Local Authorities as Corporate Parent, those children with a plan for and post adoption, who have the most complex needs emotional and behavioural needs, where there is historic placement breakdown or prevent placement breakdown with their carers. The lead authority commissioning this service will be Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council, however, services to children must be delivered throughout the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region, which is made up of Rhondda Cynon Taf, Merthyr Tydfil and Bridgend County Borough Council localities. Contract will be awarded from 3rd January 2025, initially until 31st March 2027, with further options to extend up to 1+1+1+1 years. This contract is subject to available funding.


Publish date

4 months ago

Award date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC


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