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Request for Tender for a Custom Service Provider at Medite Europe DAC + SmartPly Europe DAC '25



450,000 EUR


Medite SmartPly are seeking tender submissions from suitably qualified Customs Service Providers to manage + administer all export and import declarations. The scope will cover all export declarations dispatched from Medite + SmartPly operations in Clonmel and Belview Port. Export declarations will cover all dispatches worldwide that require advance customs declarations procedures. The average volume of export declarations each month is c.800 in total or c.9,600* declarations annually. This volume of declarations is subject to change depending on market demands or peak and trough periods. On regular occasions our R+D dept. require samples to be exported + imported which would also come under this scope. Volumes are minimal, c. 2-3 per month. The customs outsourcing responsibility will also include all import declarations for incoming goods to Medite and SmartPly. MS stores function is currently outsourced to Eriks who are responsible for purchasing Engineering and Process related goods and may be in contact with the successful outsourcing company to arrange import clearance for these goods on behave of MS. In addition to imports for Medite SmartPly materials into the Rep of Ireland the successful party will complete import declarations into GB for our customers when purchasing Medite SmartPly goods as required. We complete the GB import declarations for c.85 of our GB based customers (as at Jan 2025)9,300 Import declarations annually. *Indicative Volumes. Candidates must exhibit from a broad company perspective their expertise, knowledge and IT Capabilities to deliver this service. However, this part of the tender process will examine specific details regarding these capabilities. Such as: - Order Dispatch Requirements are: Day 1 Medite SmartPly (MS) books the required freight. Day 2 Hauliers confirm bookings + provide key customs information (vessels, routing etc.) (EDI) – MS / SP (Service Provider) Routing loaded into our ERP system (EDI) - SP Order loaded at Medite or SmartPly - MS Commercial invoice generated and issued to the Customs Agent - SP Customs Clearance process completed by the Customs Agent. Movement Reference Number (MRN), Pre-Boarding Notice (PBN) + Goods Movement Reference (GMR) issued to MS + Haulier by the Customs Agent (EDI). Commercial invoice (fully complete) issued to our customer.(DAP Incoterms at present) For GB Customers who have assigned the import clearance process to Medite SmartPly / their appointed customs agent – completion of the import clearance process in full before arrival to the Irish Port of Export* The KPI measure is to complete the export + import clearances (import when applicable) within a 1-hour period from dispatch from Medite SmartPly. This ensures full customs clearance before the goods arrive at the Irish Port of exit with zero customs related delays for trucks to enter the port. Medite Smartply are seeking EDI solutions to Streamline our process, please provide an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) option for the swift transfer of data from Medite SmartPly dispatches to the Customs Provider to ensure an efficient and professional process. Please share this EDI in flow chart format so a step-by-step approach is clearly defined. At the date of this tender (Feb 2025) all of MEDITE SMARTPLY products are covered under five separate HS tariff/commodity codes only. Based on the scope of requirements we are looking for suitably qualified personnel dedicated to the Medite SmartPly account to deliver this service. We are seeking specific experience and qualifications of your nominated personnel so we can assess their suitability. CV’s will be GDPR protected and held confidentially. The contract will initially be for 3 years with an extension option to a further 1 year pending Performance ***Please see Tender Document attached for the full and Complete Scope of works***


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11 days ago

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SmartPly Europe DAC

SmartPly Europe DAC

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