CPH City and Port I/S (By and Havn) — Public Procurement Procedure Concerning Marine Archaeological Pre-investigations on Lynetteholm (Lease of Equipment with Crew)
CPH City and Port (By and Havn) has initiated this tender procedure concerning marine archaeological pre-investigations on Lynetteholm (lease of equipment with crew). More specifically, the tender procedure concerns a contract for the lease of sea-going equipment with crew and delivery of services in the form of excavation of subsea sediments in the Port of Copenhagen between Nordhavnen and Refshaleøen. The seabed material will undergo marine archaeological investigations carried out by archeologists from the Viking Ship Museum (Vikingeskibsmuseet). Lot 1: Prior to the construction of the peninsula of Lynetteholm outside the port of Copenhagen, marine archaeological pre-investigations shall be completed. The investigations are expected to be carried out from 13 September 2021 to 8 September 2022. CPH City and Port (By and Havn) is the commissioning party and The Viking Ship Museum (Vikingeskibsmuseet) will, on behalf of the Agency for Culture and Palaces (Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen), conduct the work on site. The investigations consist in controlled excavation of subsea sediments with the purpose of archaeological examination on deck. The Viking Ship Museum intend to investigate approx. 1 700 test pits spread across the project site. The areas of investigation and the chosen points of investigation have been selected with regards to geology and morphology, with the purpose of screening areas which hold potential marine archaeological interest. Due to the magnitude of the investigations, CPH City and Port tenders out and contracts the necessary equipment, including necessary crew for operating the equipment etc., for completing the investigations. The equipment consists of two dredging vessels and a necessary amount of barges and tugboats which can facilitate the archaeological investigations, including transport of equipment, subsea excavation and transport of excavated sediment to site of deposit etc. During the daily operation, the excavation works shall be carried out under instruction of The Viking Ship Museum. The two dredging setups will be mobilised with a time interval of two months to allow the archaeologist to familiarise themselves with the conditions before Mobilising the second setup. Together the two dredging setups must be able to comply with specifications set out in the Tender Documents. The setups don't have to be identical, as one could be fitted for deeper water levels fitted with a long boom/stick and another could manage positions at shallow water. The contracting authority has decided not to divide this contract into lots due to consideration of administration and minimising interface issues. The assessment is that the size of the contract may result in economies of scale contract value is estimated to DKK 100 000 000 but due to the variations of -50%/+100 % described in s.1.8 of Particular Specifications the value is set to DKK 200 000 000.
Publish date
4 years ago
Close date
4 years ago
Buyer information
CPH City and Port I/S (By and Havn)
- Contact:
- Nikolaj Kromann Hellesen
- Email:
- nkh@bechbruun.com
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